CJ Fathers
Born and raised in the United States, CJ became the first U.S. citizen in his family. His family originates from Australia. He grew up with a blend of American society and Australian traditions. His parents were strong models of hard work practices, examples of a productive mindset and, a depiction of what achieving your dreams can look like. This upbringing instilled an optimistic attitude driving him to obtain his goals, especially when someone tells him it can't be done. CJ has a firm foundation of who he is and a mind keen on entrepreneurism. This has led him to be pillar of strength and success in both his career and family life.
CJ feels success is an amazing opportunity to bless the lives of others who find themselves in less fortunate circumstances. His ideal world would be one where others have a chance to pursue their dreams without the limitations of their surroundings.
CJ sees himself as an introvert whos talents are developing over time as he moves through new discoveries and opportunities. Getting out of his comfort zone is something he takes on as a challenge to further expand his perspectives of life. He very much has a gift for numbers and has been known to geek out with them from time to time. He feels that marrying his wife, Shai, and fathering their 5 amazing kids has been life sculpting. "They are truly what define and drive me."
As a hands on type of person, CJ really loved working in Costa Rica with the Boruca tribe. He loves being in the middle of a project where the real connections take place. He looks forward to the outreach that 7 Wandering Backpacks hopes to achieve with their mission, knowing that this will bring more occasions for getting into the depths of their cause. As a founder of 7 Wandering Backpacks, CJ aspires to make a positive impact on the lives his path crosses. He wants to help open their minds to a positive understanding of themselves and the journey they are on. "Life is hard enough, especially if we see ourselves as failures. Everyone's adventure is unique. Hold space for your experience while gathering happiness along the way. Do what brings you joy because money comes and goes. Only true happiness will remain forever."
CJ believes that everyone can make a difference if they just look for the opportunity. He feels that leading by example is the best way to do that.